
Get Organized for this New Virtual Semester

A virtual semester and online classes have many advantages. On one side, you can be around your family, wake up a little later, and wear whatever you want; but all of this also opens a space for feeling unorganized and lacking motivation.

To be successful under this modality, you have to do something to keep yourself on track and organized.

One of the essential things in life is balancing everything you have to do. When you don’t do this, things get out of control, and you get stressed.

College and School are already stressful, so adding more unwanted complications isn’t a good idea.

Luckily, you can do some things on your virtual semester to successfully balance your work, family, and online classes.

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1.) Establish a routine

Having a routine is essentially one of the most important things you should have in your life to be more organized, successful, and joyful.

Some people don’t like routines because they think they are boring and that you are tied to them. But that is not the purpose of a routine.

A routine is there to help you get organized and have a direction. You don’t always have to follow your routine, but it guides you.

One of the best things about routines is that you get used to them! So if you always wake up at the same time, it will become automatic.

Wake up at the same time every day, work out every other day, do your homework around a particular hour. Things like this will help you a lot.

Create a routine for your whole week, where it fits your classes and surroundings. Don’t feel stressed if you don’t follow it. Remember that it is there to help you, not stress you more.

2.) Follow a schedule

A schedule goes hand in hand with a routine, but it is different.

You have a schedule for your classes (unless you can take them whenever you want), which is very important to consider because based on that, you will create a routine and the rest of your schedule.

I recommend you to create a schedule for the whole week, so you can see which classes you have on which days and in what hours; that way, you can accommodate the rest of the things you have to do.

Make sure to include a time to wake up, get ready, take breaks, workout, study, and do some of your hobbies. Again, balance and organization are the keys!

You can use a planner or a journal to do this. Make sure to make it in something accessible and visible. I use the Clever Fox Planner, and it is wonderful to keep me organized.

3.) Choose a comfortable place to take a class

Being in a quiet calm place would be the ideal place to take classes. However, most of the time, that’s not the case. Most of us are at our homes with the rest of our families, so privacy and quietness are almost impossible.

But there are some things you can do to make things a little better. If there is a room where you can be alone, go there, but if you can’t, make sure to find a place where you are the only one at sight.

Ensure that you are comfortable, but don’t stay in your bed (unless you don’t have other options). There are DIY on how to create a desk, or you can buy a cheap one online. Staying in your bed will make you tired and lazy. Here is a link to how to build a DIYs desk

Have near you your laptop, notebooks, water bottle, and the things you need to use, so you don’t have to be moving around the house while taking classes.

It would be best if you tried to make the place where you study a designated area; that way, your mind will get used to being in work mode when you are there.

4.) Make a to-do list

To-do lists are lifesavers. It is so easy to forget the things we have to during the day, and pretty often, we remember about them when the day has ended and we are already in bed.

I have been using to-do lists since about two years ago when I began at College, and they have helped me so much. I have a terrible memory when it comes to remembering instructions or due dates. And they work wonderful for this virtual semester.

What I do is that every night I make a to-do list for what I have to do for the next day. That way, I can feel more relaxed in the morning, knowing that I won’t forget what I have to do.

You can make your to-do list in the morning, but I recommend you make it before going to bed, and in the morning, you can add whatever comes new.

5.) Use a calendar

Calendars are your best reminders. If you are at College and don’t have a calendar, I don’t know how you do it.

We are constantly getting due dates for tests, assignments, essays, projects, etc. Our minds can’t keep up with all of that. And if you think you can, eventually you’ll forget about something.

I suggest you have a desk calendar so whenever a due date is announced, you write it down, and you have it at sight at all times.

I like to use color pens for every different type of assignment. Let’s say that for exams, I write them down in color red, while I write down essays in color green.

That way, I can have a full view of how your month will look like. Calendars will help you divide your time and be on time!

Online classes and this virtual semester will never be the same as normal classes, but it is the best we can do for now. We can’t stop time, so we gotta keep going on.

You can do this. Make sure to stay organized, follow these tips, and do your best.