
25 Things that Will Make you Smile

Life is beautiful, but it is not perfect. Sometimes we can find it hard to find reasons to smile and be happy. We spend too much time thinking about the things we are missing instead of thinking about all the beautiful things we have.

Today I want to share with you some free things that will make you smile. Each one of them will definitely bring a smile to your face and those around you.

1.) Watching the sunset

There is something magical about the colors that appear in a sunset. It never fails to make me feel alive.

2.)Listening to a good playlist

The excitement and happiness one feels when listening to a good playlist or a movie soundtrack is unmatchable.

3.) Looking at the Stars

Looking at the beauty and complexity of the stars has the power of making us feel as if our problems have a solution and that there is hope. It makes everything else look small.

4.)Drinking Coffee

Starting your day with a cup of coffee is starting your day in the right direction. I can’t work well until I have my hot cup of coffee in the morning.

5.)Calling a friend or a family member that you miss

Calling someone you haven’t talked to in such a long time and catching up with them is priceless. If you have been thinking about calling someone you miss, take this as a signal to do so 🙂

6.)Being surrounded by nature

When I am surrounded by nature I feel free, energized, and at peace. Taking a walk outside surrounded by trees, plants, and flowers is a perfect combination for happiness.

7.)Going to the beach

The beach is filled with happiness and joy. In fact, going to the beach is one of my favorite things to do. Going for a swim, basking under the sun, and taking a walk in the sand equals happiness and never fails to make me smile.

8.) Baking

Baking is such a fun activity to do. The best part is that you don’ have to be good at it to do so. Even if the recipe doesn’t ends up as planned, you will have a good time.

9.) Playing with a dog

Can you play with a dog and not feel happy? Of course not! Dogs are angels and they have the power of transforming people’s lives. You can’t help loving them.

10.) Washing your hair and shaving

I think I don’t have to say that much about this; I am sure all of us understand.

11.) Dancing like nobody is watching

Dancing provides physical/mental refreshment and relaxation. Plus it is always accompanied with smiles and laughs.

12.) Turning in an assignment

I think that handing in homework makes everyone happy, especially when the homework or assignment was difficult.

13.) Hugging your loved ones

Hugs are special. They make our hearts feel warm and happy. Plus they make us feel loved.

14.) Watching a good movie or series

Movies have the power of making our imagination and creativity soar. When I watch a good movie I end up feeling motivated or inspired to do something with my life. The same thing can happen with good series. Just like The Office; it never fails to make me laugh.

15.) Sleeping after a long and stressful day

Sleeping after a long and stressful day or week ]is such an incredible thing to do.

16.) Listening to old people stories

Old people always have so many interesting stories to tell. Some of these stories might be sad and melancholic; however, they also have all sorts of fun and happy stories.

17.) Running under the rain

Running under the rain will make you feel alive.

18.) Singing out loud to your favorite songs

Singing out loud to your favorite songs immediately lifts up your mood. I love to do this with the Hamilton soundtrack every morning when getting ready.

19.) Helping someone achieve their goals

Helping someone achieve their goals brings such a beautiful feeling of happiness and it is so rewarding.

20.) Making someone smile

Making someone smile is one of the most rewarding things you can do! It will make you smile too.

21.) Food

Food can make us feel happy and relaxed. Having a delicious breakfast in the morning, eating dessert, eating a snack, and dining never fails to make me smile and feel happy.

22.) Achieving a goal that you worked hard for

This brings such a rewarding feeling. We can feel truly happy when we achieve something we worked hard for.

23.)Reading a splendid book

Reading good books gives you the opportunity of being someone else, travel to places that don’t even exist, and learn new things. It truly makes me feel happy. Check out some of my books review for some inspiration!

24.) Having deep conversations with your friends

Having deep conversations with your friends has the ability to make you feel happy to be alive and feel blessed by being surrounded by amazing people.

25.) You

You are a beautiful thing, and you should be happy with who you are. It makes me smile to know that you are reading this, and I want to let you know that you are worthy, smart, funny, and have many things to do. Don’t give up on your dreams and goals. Things will get better! I believe in you.