
How to Manage Your Time at College

When you are at college, time management is crucial. When you have adequate time management, you will have excellent academic performance and a balanced lifestyle.

That is what we should strive for when we are at college. Because college can be draining, but we can do things to make it easier and more organized. And undoubtedly, managing our time with care and balance is one of the most helpful things.

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Create a Schedule

The first thing you need to do to keep yourself on track is to create a daily schedule. Taking into count your class schedules and daily chores, make a complete daily schedule.

You will divide and separate the time you will spend on everything you have to do for that day. There are many great schedules out there, so you can buy the one that works the best for you. I like to use the Clever Fox daily and weekly planner.

Make sure to create a designed time for studying, taking a break, doing chores, and doing something you like. The schedule gives you an idea of what you have to do and what your days will look like. But every day is different, that’s what makes life interesting and exciting.

Think Smart

You need to do things ahead of time. Let me explain myself.

One of the best things you can do to be on time for your early classes is to make your breakfast the night before. That way, in the mornings, all you have to do is take it out of the fridge and grab a cup of coffee.

You can check out my blog post, where I share three healthy and easy overnight breakfast ideas.

You can also leave ready the night before all the things you will need the next day—your outfit, backpack, wallet, keys, etc. So you don’t have to be in a rush looking for where you left your keys. They can disappear so easily!

This applies even if you are taking virtual classes. Leave your study area arranged, your laptop charged, and your study materials ready.

Think about things that you do that you can leave ready ahead of time. This will save you a lot of bad times and experiences.

Set Priorities

When you have many things to do during your day, you need to make your priorities clear.

If you have an essay due for tomorrow and a friend invites you to eat, your priority at the moment should be to finish your paper. However, if your paper was scheduled a few days later, you should go out with your friend.

You need to enjoy your life, but you also need to be responsible. When we don’t make priorities, we can easily fall into the mistake of being irresponsible.

Choose wisely what are the essential things you have to do, and then you do the rest.

Limit Your Distractions

Distractions are your worst enemy. There is a thin line between taking a break and doing something you like and distractions.

We need to acknowledge this. Our phones are our biggest distractions. Is so hard to get into Instagram for just 10 minutes. Social Media is designed to get you addicted to it.

There is nothing wrong with spending time on social media, as long as you are also doing other things and not sacrificing valuable time.

The same thing goes for TV, games, people, and many more. It is about doing these things without compromising the time you schedule for studying.

It is so easy to lie to ourselves by saying that we don’t have time. We would have more time if we didn’t procrastinated so much. It is not about working all the time and needing to be productive cause if not, there is something wrong. I am talking about balance.

Here I share a video about how procrastination works and why we all do it.

Balance is Key

I will never get tired of saying this. I feel like some people think this is so cliche, but it is true.

No matter what aspect of your life you apply it, if you have a healthy balance between working and having fun, things will be much better.

Balance is essential at college because it is so easy to get overwhelmed and stressed. You are under constant deadlines, requirements, pressures, and that is no easy. It takes time and dedication.


You can’t let work consume you. That is why managing your time wisely will give you a healthy lifestyle. It will provide you some peace of mind. And dividing your time allows you to work on your hobbies, dreams, and relationships.

Being organized can help you so much for you to have a more relaxed life and a great experience at college. Be mindful, be present, prepare, do the things you have to do, and live with ease.

One Comment

  • Sophie

    Excelent blog post!! Everything its so true.I always try to follow this steps and it works. Thanks for sharing!!💛