Dealing with Stress During Finals Week
May is finally here! That means that this school/ college semester is almost over. Thankfully we are almost done because I am sure we can all use a break from online classes. However, we still have a few weeks left. These few weeks can be highly stressful, and they can get our anxiety levels high. I understand that this week can be crucial for grades, but that can’t cost your mental health. This semester has been hard enough already. To be honest, I have even lost motivation for connecting to classes or doing things related to academic work. I have kept on doing my assignments and attending my lectures, but…
25 Things that Will Make you Smile
Life is beautiful, but it is not perfect. Sometimes we can find it hard to find reasons to smile and be happy. We spend too much time thinking about the things we are missing instead of thinking about all the beautiful things we have. Today I want to share with you some free things that will make you smile. Each one of them will definitely bring a smile to your face and those around you. 1.) Watching the sunset There is something magical about the colors that appear in a sunset. It never fails to make me feel alive. 2.)Listening to a good playlist The excitement and happiness one feels…
Don’t Let Fear of Failure Stop You
Failure. A word we all know, and at some point, have experienced. We learn what failure means when we are kids, and ever since then, it haunts us for the rest of our lives. We are taught that failure is something terrible. Something we should be scared of and run away from. When we see someone fail, we feel bad for them, and we can also feel discouraged. We tend to focus on the failure that someone has rather than what they achieve, and this is because we are petrified by it. Here is the thing; if you aren’t doing something you want because you fear that you might fail,…
The Relevance of Martin Luther King for this Historical Time
Martin Luther King helped to change the World. Today we celebrate and honor the life and accomplishments of Dr. King. King was an influential civil rights preacher, a fighter for dignity and change in the rule of law in the face of great discrimination. Undoubtedly, he was a hero for all he did. He changed History. But what King did and fought for hasn’t ended. Now more than ever, we need to follow King’s steps and become advocates for Humans Rights. I am honored to interview Dr. Luis G. Collazo today to talk about Martin Luther King’s pertinence in this time. Dr. Luis G. Collazo is a jubilated Professor from the…
5 Inspirational Movies at Disney+
Disney+ came to stay for a long time. I mean, we have grown with Disney, so there is nothing that makes us feel better than watching inspirational movies at Disney+. There is a movie on Disney+ for every mood. If you feel nostalgic, happy, sad, musical, however, you feel. With everything that has been going around lately is very easy to get discouraged and tired of everything. We can feel unmotivated very quickly, as it seems like things only get worst. Films can significantly impact our lives, and I think they can even shape a part of who we are. I am sure that a film has inspired us all…
A New Year, a New Mindset
A New year has arrived, and with it, there’s new hope, new dreams, new opportunities and a new mindset. Our lives changed utterly last year in 2020, and with it, our mindset. Everything we knew and were used to changed in a matter of days. Life as we knew it disappeared. It is important to remember this, so you know it is not your fault that these past months might have been one of the worst in your mental health and attitude towards your goals. You can’t control what’s happening What’s happening around us isn’t something we can control. We can’t control what others say or do, but we do…